Looking to perfect your mindfulness and yoga practice...add essential oils. Yoga and meditation are great for the body, mind and spirit as they can help us to connect more deeply with the world around us and improve our quality of being fully present in life. It’s been said that essential oils are nature’s way of balancing our mind and body, so it makes sense that the therapeutic benefits of the oils can enhance your yoga and meditation practice by providing clarity, cleansing and calming properties.
To use essential oils in yoga and meditation, you have several options:
Diffuser: For an ambient atmosphere that inspires and invigorates the senses, you can diffuse your selected blend of essential oils and diffuse prior to your yoga and meditation practice and/or during.
Inhalation: Place essential oils in the palm of your hand and take 3 deep breaths, slowly in and out.
Room mist spray: Mix distilled water with 10-20 drops of your favorite oils, let settle for 24 hours and spray prior to your mindfulness and/or yoga practice.
Cool down towel: Add a couple of drops of lavender or eucalyptus to a damp towel and drop over your face for deeper relaxation.

TAOEO’s 7 Recommended Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Yoga Practice
Neroli – spiritually transformative oil. Promotes self-love and acceptance. Helps you achieve mindfulness, clarity and inner peace and spurs creative energy, centers the mind and body, reduces sadness and stress.
Frankincense – the most powerful oil to cleanse the spirit. Promotes grounding, mental balance and openness.
Sandalwood – best oil for meditation, cleanses the mind of negative thoughts, quiets the inner noise and clears the chatter to help you focus. Promotes the feeling of a calm body at peace, inspires emotional openness and promotes the ability to trust. (our key oil in our Spiritual Essential Oils Rollerball Blend)
Lavender – calming properties to promote the sense of relaxation, emotional stability and mental clarity.
Cypress – Helps to increase the blood flow and encourage positive emotions. Promotes increased concentration.
Cedarwood – protects against negative energy, encourages turning inward to focus on higher self, exhibits calming and grounding effects on the spirit and mind.
Clary Sage – used for centuries to remove negative energies, has antidepressant properties so it can help to lift your mood.
Essential Oils are becoming a “go to” for yogi’s as they can elevate the whole experience of practicing yoga and mindfulness through awakening the mind, cleansing negative thoughts and clearing the air for an “in the moment” session.
Yoga Mat Spray (disinfect and clean your yoga mat)
12 drops tea tree
12 drops lavender
60 ml witch hazel
Glass Spray Bottle